How To Close Apps On Firestick – A Step By Step Guide
7 mins read

How To Close Apps On Firestick – A Step By Step Guide


Is your Firestick feeling sluggish or unresponsive? Are apps taking forever to load or crashing unexpectedly? The culprit could be a multitude of open apps running in the background, hogging precious memory and slowing down your device. Closing unused apps on your Firestick is a simple yet effective way to free up resources, boost performance, and ensure a smooth streaming experience.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the different methods to close apps on your Firestick, whether you prefer using the handy home button or navigating through the settings menu. We’ll also share some additional tips and tricks for managing apps and troubleshooting common issues. By the end of this guide, you’ll be a Firestick pro, effortlessly closing apps and keeping your device running at its best.

Why Closing Apps on Your Firestick is Crucial for Optimal Performance

Is your Firestick lagging or freezing during your favorite shows? The culprit could be those numerous apps you’ve opened and forgotten to close. Unlike some devices that automatically manage app usage, the Firestick requires a bit of manual intervention to keep it running smoothly.

When you open an app on your Firestick, it continues to run in the background even after you exit it. These open apps consume valuable memory and processing power, which can lead to:

  • Slower Navigation: Scrolling through menus and switching between apps becomes sluggish.
  • Buffering and Lag: Streaming videos or playing games can be interrupted by frequent buffering and lag.
  • Freezing and Crashing: In extreme cases, your Firestick might freeze altogether or apps might crash unexpectedly.

By taking a few moments to close unused apps on your Firestick, you can free up memory, improve overall performance, and enjoy a seamless streaming experience. Don’t let those background apps hold your Firestick back – take control and optimize your device today!

Mastering the Art of App Closure: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Closing Apps on Firestick

Ready to declutter your Firestick and give it a much-needed performance boost? Let’s dive into the two primary methods for closing apps on your device:

Method 1: The Double-Tap Home Button Trick:

This method is the quickest and easiest way to close apps on your Firestick. Here’s how it works:

  1. Double-Press: Quickly press the home button on your Firestick remote twice.
  2. App Overview: A list of your recently used apps will appear on the screen.
  3. Select and Swipe: Navigate to the app you want to close and swipe up on the remote’s touchpad.
  4. Confirm Closure: A message will appear asking if you want to close the app. Select “Close” to confirm.

Method 2: The Settings Menu Deep Dive:

If you prefer a more detailed approach or need to force close an unresponsive app, this method is for you:

  1. Access Settings: From the Firestick home screen, navigate to the “Settings” menu.
  2. Applications: Scroll down and select “Applications.”
  3. Manage Installed Applications: Choose “Manage Installed Applications.”
  4. Find Your App: Scroll through the list of installed apps and find the one you want to close.
  5. Force Stop: Select the app and choose “Force Stop.”

Bonus Tip: Some third-party apps, like “Background Apps and Process List,” offer advanced features for closing multiple apps at once or automating the process.

By mastering these methods, you can effortlessly quit apps on your Firestick, free up memory, and enjoy a smoother, more responsive streaming experience.

Remember, closing unused apps should become a regular habit to keep your Firestick running at its peak performance.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Close Apps on Firestick Like a Pro

Ready to regain control of your Firestick’s performance? Let’s dive into the simple yet effective methods to close apps and free up memory:

Method 1: Double-Tap the Home Button

  1. Double-Press: Quickly press the home button on your Firestick remote twice.
  2. App Overview: A list of recently used apps will appear on your screen.
  3. Select and Close: Navigate to the app you want to close and press the menu button (three horizontal lines) on your remote.
  4. Choose “Close”: Select the “Close” option to quit the app.

Method 2: Navigate Through the Settings Menu

  1. Access Settings: Go to the Firestick home screen and select the “Settings” gear icon.
  2. Applications: Scroll right and choose “Applications.”
  3. Manage Installed Applications: Select “Manage Installed Applications.”
  4. Find and Force Stop: Find the app you want to close, select it, and then choose “Force Stop.”

By mastering these two methods, you’ll be able to force close apps on Firestick with ease, optimizing your device’s performance and ensuring a smoother streaming experience.

Troubleshooting Tips: Overcoming Firestick App Closure Challenges

Encountering hiccups while closing apps on your Firestick? Don’t worry, here are some troubleshooting tips to tackle common issues:

Unresponsive Apps:

  • If an app freezes or becomes unresponsive, try force closing it using the settings menu.
  • If force closing doesn’t work, restart your Firestick. This usually resolves temporary glitches.

Apps Reappear After Closing:

  • Some apps are designed to run in the background and might restart automatically.
  • To prevent this, you can disable auto-start for these apps in the settings or use a third-party app manager.

Identifying Resource-Hungry Background Apps:

  • Go to “Settings” > “Applications” > “Manage Installed Applications.”
  • Look for apps with high memory or CPU usage.
  • Consider force stopping or uninstalling these apps if you don’t use them frequently.

Third-Party App Managers:

  • Apps like “Background Apps and Process List” can help you easily identify and close multiple apps at once.
  • These apps often offer additional features like memory optimization and task management.

By following these troubleshooting tips and exploring the capabilities of third-party app managers, you can overcome any app closure challenges and ensure your Firestick runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember, closing unused apps is a simple yet effective way to boost performance, free up memory, and enjoy a seamless streaming experience.


By now, you’ve mastered the art of closing apps on your Firestick, whether it’s through the quick double-tap of the home button or the more detailed navigation through the settings menu. Remember, closing unused apps isn’t just a one-time fix; it’s a beneficial practice to incorporate into your regular Firestick usage. By making it a habit, you’ll ensure your device consistently performs at its best, providing you with a seamless and enjoyable streaming experience.
With a few simple steps, you can easily free up memory, prevent sluggishness, and resolve potential issues like freezing or crashing apps. So go ahead and take charge of your Firestick – close those unused apps and unlock the full potential of your streaming device. Your favorite shows and movies are waiting, and now they can play without a hitch!

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